school, sleep, television

man, it has been too long since i wrote here.

life has been kind of insane since i last wrote. i started my second semester of school, have continued working on the fiona dickinson record, worked 32 hrs a week, went on some adventures, took some naps, watched some tv and tried to just make it through every day.

this semester, i’m taking anatomy and physiology I and intro to cells, molecules and genes, which is basically an intro biology class. both classes have a 90-minute lecture that meets twice weekly, as well has a three hour lab that meets once a week. so that’s 12 hours of school each week, plus whatever studying i do outside of class, which i have been doing almost daily since i started. the amount of material we’re covering in both classes this semester is kind of insane. i took an anatomy class in the summer of 2012, so i have like a very faint memory of some of the anatomy material, but it might as well be all new information at this point cuz i can’t remember shit and had no reason to use any of the information i learned during that 6 week course.

so far, school has been really good. i’ve been good about staying on top of my studying and am actually a little bit ahead. i really need to try to keep that pace going because of how much material we’re going to be covering. fortunately a lot of this stuff is actually super interesting. learning about the structure of cells and what each part of the cell does has been mind-blowing. i’m sure i learned some of this shit in high school, but learning it again as an old man has been really cool. the human body is insane. evolution is insane. the fact that life exists at all is insane.

in my anatomy lab, we’re going to be working with cadavers. initially i was pretty nervous about it. after just the first two weeks of class, that nervousness has given away to excitement and intrigue. let me at those dead ass bodies, i wanna see ’em.

before school started, i made something of a mad dash to do some fun things before my life got taken over by classes, homework and work-work. here’s some visual proof i did some things.

ben davey had dan and i on the guest list to play some songs from our seasonal mix exchange.
beach house @ 20 monroe 8.8.19
algae at the end of the pier in grand haven
i kitty sitted cooper for fi and garrett.
this guy lives right outside the door i pass through to get into my house
i went to detroit to see my friend’s dom and jamie get married
dom was my best buddy in college. legitimately one of the absolute greatest people i’ve ever met.

that’s all for now. maybe more soon when i brain is less mushy.

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