Looping State

of Mind

i woke up yesterday with some kind of demon cold that has evolved from your ole run o’ the mill sore throat, to like a full blown Cold™. fortunately i was only at work for three hours yesterday before they sent me home cuz they didn’t need me anymore. i sat in front of my a/c and let the sickness do it’s thing while i got this wordpress set up. oh my god it was so frustrating. if something is broken…i’ll probably fix it at some point. bear with me.

after getting some rest/screaming at my laptop, i went over to fiona’s to record some bits and pieces to use for our record. after waiting forever for logic to analyze all of my plugins, we were able to record some cello, guitar, vocals and kalimba.

fiona kicked it off with a gorgeous like fifteen minute drone that she built with cello, vocals and guitar. she could probably just release that and people would be stoked. 😂 we’re gonna chop it up and probably use just a small piece on the record.

she also recorded some really sick cello effects and some lovely, breathy vocal stuff.

while we were setting up, fiona and i were talking about how we both miss being in the studio, even though it’s only been a week since we were at matt’s. it was really fun getting to work on some stuff with her and i’m looking forward to sitting down and chopping it all up and fucking with it. doing this kind of stuff is like my favorite part of music production and i haven’t really been able to do it for any of the bands i play in. i’m really excited to see what we can turn all this stuff into! i’m also very happy to have the opportunity to shape the sound of this record in a significant way. i’m honored that fi trusts me and i’m feeling less anxious than i did during my previous post.

gonna rest my poor, sick ass now.

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